View over a frozen lake


Winter Has Arrived

Driver's cab

Building the road...

"Electronic gadgets pervade... #TP120

Winter Dusk

The bear

You are here! #TP121

Public decoration

How does "the self" get (trans)formed? 366/70 Mar. 10, 2012

You seek out a guru, a teacher, a leader, political or other, only when you are confused...

How many world views have you familiarized with? 366/68 Mar. 08, 2012


Mountainbike class

Wooden house

Old Power Plant (aka "Vanha Voimala")

"A Lotus Flower Blooms Beneath Each Step" (366/170 June 18, 2012)

"Change your perspective today... #TP444

Snowy birches / Lumiset koivut


A wint'ry afternoon in Hyvinkää




Upstream 02

Nukarinkoski II

Lake Kytäjärvi

Hyvinkää in hipsta

Koski 08

Upstream 03

Again at the dam of lake Kytäjärvi

Green field in autumn

CaniCross Finnish Championship - 29th September 2012 - Ohkola, Mäntsälä


Devil's fields / Pirunpellot 2

DSC05071 heinä (1)

Birch forest

Finland, February 2015