Day 124 - Green Spiral

Day 198 - Tomato Splash

A 'Slow' Meteor Crosses the Skies (NASA, Marshall, 01/03/12)

View from Bradford Creek Greenway, Madison, Alabama

Day 138 The New Lens (SOOC)

DAY - 74 Bokeh Test: AF-S 50mm vs. Ai-S 50mm

Day 219 - Dead Head

Day 180 - The Driver

Day 95 - Another Unnamed flowering plant

Day - 80 Pista

November Pasture

DAY 83 - Hollywood

Triorla interrupta

Day - 53 OREDS

Winter Skies Over Marshall (NASA, Marshall, 01/06/12)

Winter Skies Over Marshall (NASA, Marshall, 01/06/12)

Syrphid Fly, species Toxomerus marginatus 1

Dogwood In Spring, Huntsville Botanical Garden, Hunstville, AL 2009

Self portrait

Day 169 - Vans

Day 77 - Two Lips of Spring

365 - 207 Sunrise Cloud Porn

Beaverdam Creek

Indian Creek

Reflections of Railroads

Catch a sunset in a treetop

Cloud Porn in the Afternoon

Downtown Huntsville in HDR

Winter woods on New Years Day 2014

Yellow Foxtail or Yellow Bristlegrass - Setaria pumila

On a Walk

Heath Aster or Frost Aster - Aster pilosus

Bradford Creek

Wednesdays are wonderful


On a hill today


Woods at dusk

Huntsville, Al


Rainbow in the fountain