Looking Up-4119

View from the hill 3

daybreak at Craigleith

Lets Light Up The Park 2

Comfortably Numb

Autumn's Haunting Reminder - 4559

setting up (xplrd)

First year herring gull

Dramatic Sky Panorama - Best viewed large

Sunset at the park

Georgian Bay Red Sunset

Canadian Autumn Panorama

Lets light up the park

A View of Collinwood and Georgian Bay.

Lady winter bringing a cold snap to Collingwood... Best seen in large

Lamonte Creek

Collingwood Terminals Limited at Sunset

Through the Trees.

Another View of Blue

A Quiet Place

Georgian Bay Sky Reflection

shores of Georgian Bay

Sunset @ Wasaga Beach

Harbour Lands Park

Down by the Bay

Triple Strike

Trying to catch fish during sunset

Georgian Bay Sunrise



The Village

Craigleith Waterfalls

Sunrise at Craigleith Ontario



When sunset rays of light still caress the earth