Squam Lake

View from the dam tram

reach out for...

Town Docks

Fall Foliage in New Hampshire

Looking Down at the River

Railroad Archeology in Bristol NH

doin' what it is I do

rock stars

natural funnypants

Meredith Bay

Looking South Down the Tracks

Meredith Bay

Lake of Glass

Meredith Bay Gazebo

Quiet Time in Meredith

Heavy Summertime Traffic

Newfound Lake

On a Golden Pond

Profile Falls, Bristol, NH

2008 Harley- Davidson Ultra Classic | Dewey's Ice Cream Parlor & Cafe | Center Harbor, New Hampshire

Autumn Straight Ahead

Hiking East and West Rattle Snake Mountain

Hiking East and West Rattle Snake Mountain

Ayers Island Spring Freshet

Hiking East and West Rattle Snake Mountain

Trout leap II Shot taken at Shannon pond in Moultonboro NH#trout #nh #newhampshire #newengland #lakesregion #granitestate #fish #fall #foliage #outdoors

Hiking East and West Rattle Snake Mountain

Hiking East and West Rattle Snake Mountain

Hiking East and West Rattle Snake Mountain

Portrait of a Lion

Sunrise on Meredith bay NH

Winter Games

Little Squam Lake

Sunrise over Lake Winnipesaukee

Ayers Island Dam construction, ~1922

Newfound Lake 9

Newfound Lake 122