- 503- Eggishorn - Switzerland - Wallis

Switzerland: The Winter Wonderland

-539- Bettmeralp - Wallis - Switzerland

Home Of The Snow

Switzerland: The Winter Wonderland Part II


Swiss Alps: Backcountry

Eglise et village de Biel, commune de Grafschaft, district de Conches, canton du Valais, Suisse.

Swiss Alps: Backcountry Part II

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Swiss Mountain Chapel

Lago delle Streghe - Alpe Devero (Italy)

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, (Detail), 23-08-2009

A swiss fairy tale cottage

Swiss Alp Chalets

Lago di Devero - Alpe Devero (Italy)

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

-374- swinging in the rain - Eggishorn - Switzerland - Wallis

The Great Aletsch Glacier

Alpenglow - Bettlihorn (2993m) - Wallis - Schweiz

Gross Fusshorn

Eggishorn - Wallis - Schweiz

L'ultima possibilità

Codelago - Alpe Devero

Perfect !!

Lost in the mountain?!

Aletschgletscher - Wallis - Schweiz

Lötschberger Südrampe (Brig-Hohtenn)

Il Segreto meglio celato

click @ Foggenhorn . 2'569m

belalp - riederalp (2013)

signpost @ Foggenhorn. Valais

Aletsch Glacier

Binntal/ Switzerland . Image taken on the way tfrom Eggerhörn (2503m). Jully 16,2009 no 201

Aletsch Glacier