NS 6329 at Gallitzin, PA

PRR 5809 around Horseshoe Curve

Meet at MO: NS 7200 C47 Sonman Coal east on 1; NS 65K NS 7257 west.

Atop the Tunnel

Headed for the Horseshoe

Strings Attached

Backing Up

Enjoying the view

Birds on a Wire

Juniata Shops - Pt. 6

Dear Winter: Bring It On!

Rare Views

The View from Six Twenty-Two

View from my Backyard

Conrail's Mixed Bag of Treats

View from our front porch

Front view of locos at Juniata

on the other side of the tree

Braemar Cottage, south view

Juniata Shops - Pt. 2

On Horse Shoe Curve: 2

CR 6678 Horseshoe Curve, PA

UP 1943 - HSC

Up and Down


Tunnelhill Overlook

UP 1943 - HSC helpers

1982 04-24 0933 AMTK F40PH-380, 316 E/B 40 Altoona, PA

Horseshoe Curve

Helper Overload

Grey Day on Con Rail

NS 21A - Horseshoe Curve, Pennsylvania

How I see the #sky


NS 8772 - Altoona, Pennsylvania

Blair Twp. PA

Morning Freight

Snow Squalls and Trains

Over the River and Through The Woods

Conrail 6857 Horseshoe Curve

Certain Slant of Light