A Florida Hay field. (Campo de Heno).

A dreamy Lake view. (Una vista imaginaria del lago)

Lake Ashby Cypresses. (Ciprés en el lago).

Lake Ashby on SFX. (Lago en SFX).

Cool night view at #sugarmill #country club #newsmyrnabeach really cool #nightsky

Cross view mirror

80:365 - "that's a ghetto fix."

Front View

IMG_3422 (2)

Sunsets and Fairways View from Entrance

Kitchen and Courtyard View

Sunshine State

Side of an abandon house. (Lado de una casa abandonada).

View of Courtyard from Living Room

Boardwalk to the Light. (Pasarela a la Luz).

Four-spotted Pennant (Brachymesia gravida)

sand hill cranes

State Park

Quercus laurifolia

LeFils Ranch


Baby American Alligators

IMG_3995 Hooded Pitcher Plant - Sarracenia minor


1st Hole Blue

Lyonia Preserve

Lyonia Preserve,Deltona,Florid

Sand blackberry (Rubus cuneifolius)

Quercus laurifolia

Button Rattlesnakemaster (Eryngium yuccifolium)

What makes morning trips fun #sky #magestic #florida #morning #nofilter

Private Patio and Landscape Area

Quercus laurifolia

Pond 1