Pender Cnty Cthouse-W view

Pender Cnty Cthouse-S view

Pender Cnty cthouse-w view 2

"Milly, what color's the sky?" "It's pink and sissy blue."

Shelter Creek

I Love Carolina Skies

North Carolina Coastline

Southern snacking

Wade With Caution

Over North Carolina

Flying above spring thunderstorms.

Flying above spring thunderstorms.

Flying above spring thunderstorms.

Flying above spring thunderstorms.

Flying above spring thunderstorms.

Hunting Trip

Me. ,Pops, and Uncle Ralph. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #family #fam #dad # #brother #brothers #bro #siblings #love #father #related #fun #life #familytime

Pender County Court House


Blueberry Festival

Blueberry Ice Cream!

Cakes & Cobblers

Blueberry Tea For Sale

Model Train

Blueberry Iced Tea

Craig Woolard Band