Zwei Gesellen

Wittgensteiner April-Touren

evangelische Stadtkirche Dillenburg

Summer cycling


Tentakel Drillinge

Raststätte Herborn an der A45

The Bowl II

Herborn: McDonald's with a View

Fields of gold

Herbstabend | Autumn Evening

Fortunately waterproof

Rays of August

Harvest time

Fließendes Wasser - Flowing Water

Lebenswege | Ways of Life

Bank am Kornberg


Cereal sheaves

Cold front


Low clouds

Still life with herd

Morgenbaum | Morning Tree

Kyrillschäden | Consequential Damages of Kyrill


Hoffnung | Hope

#Dillinburg Stadt ;) #Deutschland #Germany

Waldweg bei Bottenhorn / Forest path at Bottenhorn

Blue Morning