signs of the season

Founders Plaza - DFW International Airport

Red-tailed Hawk 04

The Trap

The Duel

i thought i told you to float.

What was that thing?


Step Into My Archives...

Red, White And Blue

Trinity River, River Legacy Park, Arlington

View from the Ferris Wheel

Columbine 03

Step Into My Archives...

broad reach

Long Lost Friend

Williams Square

Another #Trinity #River shot, #Fortworth #Texas (from the other night I got lost...).

Okay! 50 minutes left of this day (i.e., #texastuesday)! Sooo..... I wanted to edit this again- a #repost from about a year ago! This began as a photo and morphed into a #painting of sorts- my first attempt at something truly "#artsy" as far as freestyle

Thru the Woods

Leaving DFW

The Shrouding

The Shrouding

Stadium Supercell

Delusions become intrusions, conclusions, infusions for our soul.

Yankee Doodle Lost His #Feather! #instagram #gogoloopie #deeashley #Texas #lake #blender #landscape #prohdr

River Legacy Park

looking for dinner


The Trinity

Roy Orbison Said Something Once That I'll Never Forget

Yellow fellow


Sunset Flower

The Shrouding

A room with a view

Linear but not Corporeal

Amnestic Suggest


Another & Another

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 09

exploring the creek