Deepstep United methodist Church

Kaolin mine water

Night Time

State Route 24 Between Milledgeville and Sandersville, Georgia

State Route 24 Between Milledgeville and Sandersville, Georgia

Metallic Goat 金羊得意

Agave americana

@taylajones713 autographs today at Hancock John Academy Inc Athletic #gncc #antibullying #ontrackprogram #rockymountainatvmc #husqvarnamotorcycles #mooseracing #amsoil #dickiesworkwear

Excited to have @taylajones713 and @csweda223 today at Hancock John Academy Inc Athletic @gncc_racing #antibullying #ontrack @rmatvmc @husqvarna_usa @officialmooseracing @amsoilinc @dickiesofficial #rockymountainatvmc #husqvarnamotorcycles #mooseracing #a

to the lair...

Lake Sinclair dam power station

Lake Sinclair dam

Neither regular nor unleaded

Kaolin mine

Kaolin mine 2

Be wild

Hancock State Prison

Linton Rd. - Hancock County, Georgia

Buffalo Creek - Hancock County, Georgia

The Century Plant : Agave americana

The Century Plant : Agave americana

The Century Plant : Agave americana