Treehouse Panorama

Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)

Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)

Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)

Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)

House Finch Trio (Haemorhous mexicanus)

Black Creek, Middleburg FL

Fleming Island Plantation Golf Course

Eagle Harbor - Fleming Island, Florida

Musical Notes in bloom - another view

Flower Pot in it's New Home!

Building 1, from the sales trailer

a chork and his doolie

Camp Blanding - Trench Periscope

Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)

Black Creek

A-6 Intruder at Camp Blanding

Pool View

A-7 Corsair Displayed at Camp Blanding

Perhaps the cutting-edge side-view mirror?

why are you standing at the door? Come on in!

Backyard Sunset. Orange Park, Florida

Barn Find

Watering Day

Treehouse Trail

Jungle Trail

Tree Mushrooms

Golden Rod in the butterfly garden (Solidago spp., likely a Solidago fistulosa - Pinebarren goldenrod)

standing out in the crowd

Jim Dandy

Night House HDR Panorama

Camp Blanding

Camp Blanding

Camp Blanding

Black Creek, Camp Blanding

bald cypress on a Florida pond

Black Creek Lookout

bald cypress

Aquatics Camps is ready for another day of Canoeing, kayaking, paddle boards, motor boats, sailboats, pool and all fun wet activities. #getwet #aquaticscamp #boyscouts #bsa #scouting #scoutingadventures #nfcscouting #nfcaquatics #aquaticamp #aquaticsadve