Palm Warbler in Defiance Missouri

Immature Northern Parula at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 1

Monarch Butterfly at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 1

Monarch Butterfly at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 3

Tree Swallow at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 1

Cooper's Hawk at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 1

American Goldfinch at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 2

Eastern Towhee at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 2

Female Orchard Oriole at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 2

Preening New Tail Feathers_DSC6437

Keeping Tabs on the Garden_DSC0068

Common Yellowthroat at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 1

Indigo Bunting at Shaw Nature Reserve

Red-bellied Woodpecker at Shaw Nature Reserve

Chickadee at Shaw Nature Reserve

Yellow-breasted Chat at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 1

Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 1

Juvenile Eastern Bluebird at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 1

Anthers on Crown and Stigma Above_DSC8638

Watching a Caterpillar on the Anther of Sage_DSC4721

American Goldfinch at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 4

Fluffy Clouds on a Summer Day

UP 2563, UP 7822

Early Morning Heritage

A Peaceful Walk

Cruising through the Cut


CSX 303, UP 7822

Kopper on the Trail

Ohlendorf Park Sunset_IMG_5658

Misty dawn over a sunflower field

The Awakening, Chesterfield Central Park 9/8/2013

Tufted Titmouse at Shaw Nature Reserve

Family trip to St. Louis in celebration of Mother Helen's 100th birthday.

Ice Black and White

Miles From Nowhere?

Fishpot Creek - Valley Park, MO_IMG_7788c

Worth It

Barren field

Union Pacific Railroad Bridge over Meramec River at Sherman, MO_20151031_102406

Tilt-Shift Minature Fake of Trail in Woods - Ohlendorf West Park - St. Louis County, Missouri_P1080064

Fall Colors