Sunrise Provincetown - Cape Cod - Massachusetts

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Highland Light, cloudy day

Welcome Summer!

[ Lonely ghost in the lighthouse ]

Pizza with a view.

Coast Guard Station - landscape view

Long Point Light at night

better days gone by

MacMillan Pier Art Shacks and Pilgrim Tower.

Waves of Sea and Time

Fabulous Views!

View From the Highlands

yellow-crowned night-heron (nyctanassa violacea)

[ forbidden view ]

safe harbor

Provincetown Harbor

Nauset Light - Eastham - Cape Cod

standing in the rain on a misty morning

Uncle Tim's Bridge

headed into evening

Sunset Strip

Approaching Lieutenant Island

Mayo Beach at Dusk

The Last Rays of Sun Hit the Rocks

Sunset at Indian Neck Beach

The Desolate Path to the Ocean

Yellow Sunset

Wellfleet Shoreline

After the Sunset

distant lighhouse [EXPLORE]

Wellfleet Sunset

MacMillan Pier, Provincetown

Pink Skies at Indian Neck Beach

Cape Cod

[ indulge ]

Melancholy Shores

Pamet Harbor Salt Marsh

Light at dusk