Otra vista del histórico (y declarado como patrimonio) Castillo del Moro, Barrio Amón av. 13, c. 3/ Another view of the historic (and heritage-gazeted) "Castle of the Moor", Amón neighborhood 13th av., 3rd st.

Misma vista, diferente amanecer/ Same view, different sunrise

Otra vista de La Sabana al atardecer/ Another view from La Sabana metropolitan park, at almost sunset

Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis)

Caminata, vista hacia San Isidro de Heredia/ Hike, view towards San Isidro, Heredia province

Otra vista de la bay window del Castillo del Moro al amanecer av. 13, c. 3/ Another view of the bay window from the Castillo del Moro historic house at sunrise 13th av., 3rd st.

Vista hacia San Isidro, provincia de Heredia, durante caminata/ View towards San Isidro, Heredia province, during a hike

Otra vista de atardecer en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ Another view from a sunset at La Sabana Metropolitan Park

Otra vista de la Iglesia de San Isidro de Heredia/ Another view of the catholic church at San Isidro, Heredia province

Otra vista del lago de La Sabana al atardecer/ Another view from La Sabana Metropolitan Park lake at dusk

Otra vista hacia San Isidro, en una caminata/ Another view towards San Isidro, on a hike

Vista de San Isidro de Heredia, desde las alturas/ View of San Isidro, Heredia province, from high above

Vistas de caminata, casi al anochecer/ Hiking views, almost at sunset

Vista hacia la Casa Amarilla y el edificio del INS av. 7a, c. 13-15/ View towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the public National Insurance Institute 7a av., 13th-15 st.

Pura Vida

Vista de San Isidro/ View of San Isidro

Otra vista del edificio antiguo en avenida 3, con el edificio Art Déco de Uribe & Pagés a la par av. 3, c. 3-5/ Another view of the old building at 3rd av., with the former Uribe & Pagés Art Déco warehouse next to it 3rd av., 3rd-5th st.

Apartamentos Interamericanos: vista lateral av.7-7a, c.15/ Interamerican apartments bldg.: side view 7th-7a av., 15th st.

San Jose view from National Museum of Costa Rica

Vista de la Plaza de la Cultura y del Teatro Nacional av. 0, c.3/ View of the Culture Square and the National Theater 0 av., 3rd st.

Y...otra vista de los apartamentos Jiménez, pero con mejor luz av.7, c.13-15/ And...another view from the Jiménez apartment building, but with a better light quality 7th ave., 13th-15th str.

Parque Rincòn de la Vieja, Costa Rica

Atardecer en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ A sunset in La Sabana Metropolitan Park

Maybe a sunset is the biggest show in the world ....

Poas Volcano Costa Rica

Avianca ATR72 TG-TRE

Lago de La Sabana al atardecer/ La Sabana metropolitan park lake at dusk

Atardecer en Heredia

Paisajes de caminatas: San Isidro de Heredia visto desde Tierra Blanca, Concepción de San Rafael/ Hiking landscapes: the city of San Isidro from Tierra Blanca, near the town of Concepción, San Rafael canton

Paisaje con arcoris 1/ Landscape with Rainbow 1

No artificial ingredients!

Tall Trees

Amanecer, agosto del 2016/ Sunrise, August, 2016

Un amanecer/ A sunrise

Llegando a El Salvador

The Lake at La Sabana


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