an apple a day

John Deere ploughing like in former days

let's fly away...

View in the Stropersbos

Hertogin Hedwigepolder

Precious Illusions

clothes packing

remains of the day

Natural power

De Hoed (reflected), Waarde

"one is not all but one"

Moonrise 'Super Moon'

guess what I like best ... (Explored)

Beautiful when the sun shines

40 minutes after Sunset

alf and addy

De Hoed (1858), Waarde


goodmorning on Explore!

Alfie in the wilderness ;-)

Silhouettes (Amos "Guard along the Schelde")

Dayspring (Explored)


De Putting

Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe

Nederland - Zeeland - Hoek - Windlust

Achtste Verkorting, Hulst

Westerschelde sunset

10-09-16 Shunter 203 102 + ketelwagens + MBS 451, Hoedekenskerke

Sint-Gillis-Waas, Oost-Vlaanderen

Stadsmolen anno 1792


lines of flax

Natuurgebied De Putting

Cingse bossen

Sunrise Eiland van de Meijer.

Spui - Netherlands

Sunset Sun Rays

Reaching for a joyfull sky

The drowned Tree

Cloudy sky over the Westerschelde