Another Fifteen Steps

Winter Sisters

Slow Mounting

Callejeando por Helsingor

View from Snekkersten Havn

Helsingor en Dinamarca

Callejeando por Helsingor

El castillo de Kronborg en Helsingor

La biblioteca de Helsingor (Dinamarca)

El castillo de Kronborg en Helsingor

Una terraza en Helsingor

El castillo de Kronborg en Helsingor

Tramonto sul canale

A royal view

Denmark - Hammermill

To be or not to be...this is the castle!

Big Sky over Laröd

Night sky - stars

Week #11: Silhouettes

Callejeando por Helsingor en busca de avituallamiento

A Danish Windmill

Sunset birds

A moment in time

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Winter, Kayaking in Denmark

Råå, June 19, 2015

End of July

Above troubled water and clouds there´s blue skies, Esrum Sø, Denmark


I love the forest #weekendmemory #moresteadythanthesea

The tiny horse still had a lot of field to cover, Esrum Kloster, Denmark

Wave of sunset


Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Fredensborg - Denmark

Utsikt från Marienlyst hotell

One white

G'nite y'all!

Goodbye day

solnedgång i Helsingör