View from Marquette Mountain

The View from Marquette Mountain

Glacial Hills

B-52D Stratofortress, U.S. Air Force (55-062), Michigan, K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base (Closed)

The view from our back window

The view from Mt. Marquette

B-52D Stratofortress, U.S. Air Force (55-062), Michigan, K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base (Closed)

View from the top #MQT #dreary #fall

2206 Sawyer 016 a

B-52D Stratofortress, U.S. Air Force (55-062), Michigan, K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base (Closed)

B-52D Stratofortress, U.S. Air Force (55-062), Michigan, K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base (Closed)

A sneak peek of Lake Superior

B-52D Stratofortress, U.S. Air Force (55-062), Michigan, K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base (Closed)

Summer is nearing its end

View of Marquette

MQ-04-View from Welcome Center

Lake Huron Coast

Superior Dawn

Marquette, Michigan from Mount Marquette

Fall on 1st Lake

Sunset on a field near Laughing Whitefish Falls, Michigan

"A Memory Captured"

Aurora Over Lake Superior-0505



Lake Superior Sunrise

Northern Michigan Wood

Northern Michigan 2011

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Lake LeVasseur

Lake LeVasseur


Pacific II

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Vanessa looks over Lake Superior