Snaking around the Blue Island roundhouse

Almighty Mittal

Robie House

Splash Chat

Classic equipment in rough times

Spring Short Line

big action at Burnham

Barack Obama Presidential Library Dibs Garden

Pyramids of Giza

View from south-west

University of Chicago Law School

hospital room with a view / courtyard between Mitchell and Wyler Hospitals

Into the mist (Explore)

Blast furnace at night

with a view of the Bamboo Lounge

Rockefeller Memorial Chapel

Dixie Square Mall Mongomery Ward Address from Slide Projector Box

Swift Hall (1926)

Roster View

Steam Engine Sykes

Rail photography in different times

My! Great Sunrise

Happy Fence Friday

Silent Witness

The Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago

"Desolation Row" - The Landscape of the South East Side - Chicago - 03 Oct 2015 - 020

Aerial photo of Promontory Point in Chicago

Rainbow Beach Park

Rising Sun at Dawn *A Beautiful Nature*

Winter's Calm

Promontory Point in Chicago aus der Vogelperspektive (Luftbildaufnahme)

Luftbildaufnahme: Promontory Point, East Hyde Park und Indian Village

The Landscape of the South East Side - Chicago - 03 Oct 2015 - 015

Through the Trees

Promontory Point in Chicago und East Hyde Park im Hintergrund

The Landscape of the South Side - Chicago - 7D II - 28 Nov 2015 - 041

Aerial photo of the Museum of Science and Industry, East Hyde Park and Promontory Point


Whihala -week 4

Whihala- Week 20

Golden Deathstars

Whihala- week 15