2020-102151 Amtrak

2020-102152 Amtrak

2020-102150 Amtrak

"Get me out of this McDonald's and out into that!" I clamored. "Via this driveway!"

LeConte's Sparrow



Bear Island Walkway 11/365

Winter Wren

2016:08:28 17:49:31 Flickr-352

a IMG_7630 scenic river calc

Lake Charles no forest

a IMG_1882

Scenic River Calcasieu

Scenic Calcasieu River

a houston or calc river i think at flood IMG_7544

Rita 017

a IMG_1881

a pretty scenic river at flood holding water not flowing IMG_7576

Scenic Calcasieu River in flood, post Harvey

a IMG_1891

bird feeder black and white

Backwoods Living

a scenic calcasieu river pretty IMG_7632

Out doing a little crawfishing.

Altered Perception
