
Absorbing The Sunlight

Riverside Flame Dude

Stream of Snow....Ribbon of White

Wind and Clouds on the River

Cloudy Winter Afternoon Over Indiana


Sign on a Country Road

From A Bee's Perspective

A B/W Curl/Twist



Diar (Whole Car)

Icicles High and Low


Coming to Life

WWII Memorial in the Rain (Evansville Riverfront)

A Dismissive Look

Brush Strokes And Silhouettes V

A Favourite Spot

The Chase

Wesselman Woods

I come here to find myself. It is so easy to get lost in the world.

Sunset in June

Sunset after the solstice

Side Of Willard Library

Sign O' Times

Wesselman Woods

Wesselman Woods

Wesselman Woods

Goings on at the Ohio river #tov2012

Newburgh Water Front

Twin Bridges

Wesselmans Woods

Goodbye Mr. Sun


Mound A

Downtown Evansville Sept 7 2013 a


Bluegrass Sunrise 13 Oct 2013

Wesselman Woods