The Road to St. Louis

Autumn and Deer

The Race

Preening New Tail Feathers_DSC6437

Faust Park First Snow - No. 3

Keeping Tabs on the Garden_DSC0068

Butterfly at Sohphia M. Sachs Butterfly House - No. 2

Christmas morning view from the back yard

Anthers on Crown and Stigma Above_DSC8638

The Center of Attention

2019_05_22_6131-1 Kirkwood MO Amtrak©

Paper Kite Butterfly on a Leaf

Museum of Transportation - 1965 Chevrolet Corvette

Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House - No 1

Watching a Caterpillar on the Anther of Sage_DSC4721

The 57 Pontiac Train

Leave Out All The Rest

Faust Park First Snow - No. 2

Centene Towers - No. 3

Tuff Guy

Red-tailed hawk 6033

Ginkgo Biloba Trees

pagoda circle and nathan frank memorial bandstand

UP 2563, UP 7822

Early Morning Heritage

A Peaceful Walk

Grant's Farm Clydesdales

Buoys at Laumeier Sculpture Park

Cold Lonely Walk


CSX 303, UP 7822

The Eyeball at Laumeier Sculpture Park

Frozen Falls

Forest Park - St. Louis

Prairie Berries

Long Lost

Forest Park Sunburst

Forest Park - St. Louis

Missouri History Museum

The Jewel Box - Forest Park (St. Louis)

Sunset in St. Louis

Kopper on the Trail