Rolling Thunder


On the ledge

Gorge Fall Nov 2013

Late Fall colors in the Red River Gorge, KY

Patchwork Pine Tree

Hiker at Blackburn Rock with the Red River Gorge below

What used to be...

Tight Squeeze

Sleeping Giant

Surprise Visit to KY!

Cave Run camp out and ride.

Red newt

Youthful Spring

In my element on the road before #sunrise heading to East Coast #roadtrip

Braiding hair for a day of climbing

The ascent to Pistol Ridge

Enjoying the climb at Pistol Ridge

Mackenzie repelling around Pistol Ridge

Repelling around Pistol Ridge

Repelling around Pistol Ridge

Ascending the ridge to go repel

Chloe repelling around Pistol Ridge

Ascending to the top

Repelling around Pistol Ridge