Bridge reflection

On storm tour

Evening light

Sunset silence (Fineart)

The Cologne bay

Fleißig / Busy

Rheinseilbahn view (+1)

Green Structures

Nature spot light

Schloß Morsbroich

Nature Moments

Swan River

View of the Bayer plant

Kiss the Frog

the first signs of autumn

Zaunkönig / Wren

With a view

Fields of Leverkusen

Viersbach-Panorama Große Dhünn-Talsperre

Nach dem Gewitter / After the thunderstorm

Altenberger Dom / Altenberg cathedral # 23

magical forest

Murbach in Murbachvalley


5 horses & a tree

halfway there

Fotografie bei Vollmond (Read more in my Blog)

nature is getting all back

Nature Moments

Im Wald - 5

little falls

moon magic

Obstweg, Leverkusen, Germany

Im Wald - 6

Sunset Moments

Nature moments

Two of us

where fairies dance v.

Nature Moments

golden banks