Foliage Frame

American Morning

Jenne Farm

Sugarbush Farm

Autunm in Vermont

The Cornish-Windsor Covered Bridge

The view from Brownsville Rock, Mt...

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

ICM Fall Colors

Pilings at the abandoned Norcross Quarry...

Jenne Farm dreams

View From the Apple Hill Inn

[... sleepy hollow farm]

[... jenne farm]

View from the South

3/4 view of of NECR 3845

[... jenne farm]

Bridge Over Quechee Gorge

Old South Church Cemetery

Dawn in Quechee

Cornish Windsor Bridge I

Blood Brook Beneath the Meriden Bridge

Morning Sunlight at Jenne Farm

Parting Shots

The hills were alive...

Jenne Farm Wide Angle

icy water under the covered bridge

West Woodstock

Quechee Gorge

Famous Autumn Farm

Cornish-Windsor Bridge

Let's have a quechee

New friends #minimoon

Grandfather Maple Tree

West Woodstock


Hello sun. I'm going to bed now.

West Woodstock

Totally digging the light this morning...