Reaching For A Piece Of The Sun... (We all reach for that star sometimes)

Wings in the Sun

Wings In Motion

A Beautiful View, On A Cloudy Day

"If You Like Piña Coladas And...."

Warrick County Court House, Boonville, Indiana

That's A Big Straw!!

Worse For Wear... (A Reprise)

An Impressionist's Dragonfly

Standing Stiff

Worse For Wear.....

A Soldier's Work Is Never Done

Bidens Aristosa

Wildflowers In Hoosier National Forest

Southern Railway Station, Boonville, Indiana

East side of court house square, Boonville, Indiana

North side of court house square, Boonville, Indiana

Bird's-eye view west from the standpipe, Boonville, Indiana

U.S. Senator Hemenway residence, Boonville, Indiana

ISRR 3371 Somerville IN 23 Oct 2014b

Warrick County Coal Surface Mining (Strip Mine)

ISRR 3371 Buckskin IN 24 Aug 2013

Another Indiana sunset

Coal Mine

ISRR 4039 Somerville IN 08 Oct 2006

Short-eared Owl 1-14-2016 by Tom Becker

Purple fields

No Matter What

Indiana, Warrick County


Deluge from a distance

Little Breezy

Aurda's Landscape

Disc-ing the garden instead of using the tiller