Smart ForTwo rear


Back to the Old House

Cricket - RIP [in EXPLORE}

Saturnalia! - "Because It's Always Been Done That Way"

'Both a society of distractive instant gratifications or a Savage Reservation of pure unregulated market forces fall way short; so, what’s the better way?' thinks The Thinker in considering the Brave New World of tomorrow

Protected Natural Area - Who Knew?

Holy Mess Behind Those Walls

Old Road

Fly Me to the Moon

Mountain Top Experience

Admiral Benbow Inn - Louisville, Kentucky

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky 1680 x 1050

Louisville Skyline

The Paget House, Louisville

Negative Space

Drop Top Lady

Churchill Downs Race: Coming down the home stretch

Broken Barbie

Fall Colors

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky with Turquoise Sky 1024 x 768

Rolling With Her Bee $tings

Pancake in Beargrass Creek, Seneca Park, Louisville, KY USA

Last train down from summit

Bad Dog!

Chair & A Dog


No Tresspassing

Waterfalls at Papa Johns Main Office Park in Louisville KY

Miami Hurricanes at Louisville Cardinals


Seatonville Road · KY1819 South of Snyder underneath power lines.

Louisville Water Tower by night

Autumn gives way to Winter.

at Pope Lick Train Trestle - 4

Sunny Beaches

Muhammad Ali - Cassius Marcellus Clay-TudioJepegii

Winter at Louisville's Cave Hill - IR Hoya Filter - Kentucky

Waterfalls in Olympus Dramatic Tone Filter

Whitehall Mansion

Papa John's Waterfall in Green Frame