Shoot & Score_04

Moo With A View

Fire Escape

Augusta Street, Staunton

Moon-lit Oak II Spica & Saturn 2011

View from atop Betsy Bell Hill

Betsy Bell Hill

1600s England - The First Glimpse of the Staunton Frontier Culture Museum (DTB_5447)

Moon Spica & Saturn

Downtown View, Staunton, VA

Lagoon Nebula M8 & Trifid Nebula M20 setting 2012

Businesses in Staunton's Wharf District

Staunton City Hall

Downtown Staunton from Sears Hill

Late Winter Platform View

Trinity Episcopal Church 2

Rails as Seen from a Bridge

today is a winding road

Dejarnette Interior

Rained Out

Westbound Cardinal train departs Staunton