Hamilton County Courthouse (Aurora, Nebraska)

040115 - First Nebraska Storm Chase 2015

Frozen Lake

Stay Aware

Hampton, Nebraska

Hampton, Nebraska

#Sunset as #lightning illuminates the mammatus clouds over the Nebraska landscape on May 29, 2008. Taken with a #Canon Rebel XTi. #thunderstorm #newx #weather #clouds #sky

Brian's Property

Nebraska - Day 1 of 7

Sculpture Garden

Brian's Property

040115 - First Nebraska Storm Chase 2015

040115 - First Nebraska Storm Chase 2015

040115 - First Nebraska Storm Chase 2015

040115 - First Nebraska Storm Chase 2015

A Nebraska farm.

Flock of birds over a field

Flock of birds over a field

➳ Waves. Change has hit me like a huge wave. After living and working in Thailand for the last year it was time for change. I am now driving across the United States from Philadelphia to my new home in San Francisco. Excited for what the future holds.

Soybean as far as the eyes can see..in every direction!