Blackjack Farm Barn

Drink Chero Cola

Bedford County, TN Courthouse - Shelbyville, TN

Pa's Old Barn

The ever crumbling rock city barn

Patriotic Barn

another view of marker and preparation for new headstones

Shelbyville Riverwalk Panorama (Duck River) (123/365)

Enon Primitive Baptist Church - Bedford County, TN

Be it ever so humble...

120315 Shelbyville

Henry Horton

120315 Shelbyville

120315 Shelbyville

Jasper's got his stick! No dog is happier.

Henry Horton

120315 Shelbyville

The Duck River at Henry Horton State Park

Shelbyville Dam

120315 Shelbyville

Henry Horton

Shelbyville dam

Henry Horton

The Duck River at Henry Horton State Park

120315 Shelbyville

120315 Shelbyville
