Sanya Sunrise

Thean Hou Temple #2

海灘 Beach / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140506.6D.32086.P1

南山海上觀音聖像 Guanyin of the South Sea of Sanya / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140506.EOSM.09918.P1

牛魂陣 Bovine Soul Array / 苗族文化 Culture of the Miao minorities / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140507.6D.32199.P1.BW

Thean Hou Temple View from the Top 天后宫

紫芝 Purple Ganoderma (Lingzhi mushroom) / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140507.6D.32195.P1

Ready at night..

Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo (Hierococcyx Nisicolor)_DSC2053-1

Wooden masks / 黎苗少數民族文化 Culture of the Li and Miao minorities / 中國海南三亞 Sanya, Hainan, China / SML.20140507.6D.32184.P1

to the sea

Sanya Sunrise

Gold On The Water

三亚之旅 10

20170602-0I7A6477-Pachliopta aristolochiae (Common Rose Butterfly)

三亚之旅 08

20170602-0I7A6478-Pachliopta aristolochiae (Common Rose Butterfly)

1222 - Beijing Capital International Airport (I)

三亚之旅 09

Grandma (my second explore :D )

Reflection in Sanya

sunrise after heavy rian


2009 hainan china

Shimei Bay




august @hainan

night @ Hainan 2

Tibetan landscapes#28



#one_pic_one_day umi

hainan (11)


三亚 蜈支洲

Wuzhizhou Island 蜈支洲岛
