Bethleem view

ramparts walk

Divine Maintenance

Old Jerusalem wall

Jérusalem, Israël

View from Mt. Scopus.

Mahane Yehuda Market

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock viewed from Bell Tower of Church of the Redeemer in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Panoramic view of Sunset of the Old City viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Sunset over Jerusalem viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Dome of the Rock east view, Temple Mount of Jerusalem

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock viewed from Bell Tower of Church of the Redeemer in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Dome of the Rock view from Tower of David in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Jerusalem's hills, 2

Sunset over Jerusalem viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Sunset of the Old City viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Dome of the Rock viewed from Mount of Olives at dusk - Jerusalem Israel

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock viewed from Tower of David in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Fabulous view of the Golden Dome of Jerusalem, Israel

Dome of the Rock west view, Jerusalem Temple Mount

Church, Mount of Olives - 1119

Jerusalem, "Schöner Wohnen"

Mar Saba Convent / دير القديس ثيودوسيوس - PALESTINE

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Traffic jam on the way from Jerusalem after working week.

Mosque of Omar ibn Al-Khattab

Mish'ol HaPninim Garden

On the way from Jeruslaem

Segways in the Jaffa Gate

Gethsemane Gardens behind the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Two of us going nowhere

Minibus of 38 route

Mt Olive cemetery

Tower of David

Goodbyes are hard

Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Jaffa Gate

Damascus Gate (Israel)

Dome of the Rock

Bedouins' path