
Purple Flowers

Nicodemus NHS- Graham County KS

Old Houses

Old Houses

Nicodemus NHS- Graham County KS (2)

Old Houses

The Corner Store

Once Upon A Time On The Road

Empty Storefronts

Stone Post Office

Main Street, Zurich Kansas

Painter Supplies

Abandoned House

Wilson's Phalarope

Tree growing through abandoned building in Zurich

Tree growing through abandoned building in Zurich

Some of the clouds, from storms. These were all taken in Rooks County, Kansas.

Some of the clouds, from storms. These were all taken in Rooks County, Kansas.

Some of the clouds, from storms. These were all taken in Rooks County, Kansas.

A nighthawk, flying around, in the morning.

A nighthawk, flying around, in the morning.

Sunrise in Rooks County, Kansas.

Abandoned House

Old Houses

Old Houses

Old Houses