
Light Rain 17°C, Cloudy, #Gujranwala @ People's Colony #weatherlive

Morning Clicks (via @shots)

Check out @hehekidrauhl on @shots

Black cock ....

Ayema AbuBakar

Wow what a pleasant weather 31°C, Clouds and sun, #Gujranwala #weatherlive

Abdulla new toy Car Audi Q7

#Our #life #always #expresses #the #result #of #our #dominant #thoughts.

These two cheeky chaps (top of posture) heard us singing and couldn't help but sneak a peek. #godisgood #hear #believe #love #jesus #gospel #pakistan #gujranwala #lahore #omniscient #omnipotent #omnipresent #worship #God #day #night Jeremiah 23:24 Can a m


Shafi ka scene on hai! #WeddingVibes #mehndinight

Get Together !! .. #Traveller #Summer #Party #GetTogether #Buddy



With Arshad Hashmi Sb (BM) Great Man!

#UBL People Colony Branch Colleagues

LikE Father LikE Son! ???? #prestige #Owner # family ????

Awsome dinner at Royal Village Gujranwala .

Monal tree launge #beautiful #place #islamabad

#instashot #nocrop Head Qadirabad River chanab

Random click #home#rooftop#iwearspecs#levis_jeans