Cascade Falls

Full Moon & Clouds

Green Heron in Tree Above Wilde Lake...Columbia, Maryland

Bald Eagle gets his Prey

room with a view, Savage style

Blue Dasher, Male

Ashlee - Cancun Cantina

Lingerie - Cancun Cantina

Lingerie - Cancun Cantina

Cancun Cantina - Lingerie

Pajama Party - Cancun Cantina

BNSF C44-9 5272, 611 CN C40-8M-2437 W/B K-043 on CSX at Relay, MD.

Howard County Fog 2

Lingerie - Cancun Cantina

Cancun Cantina - Halloween '10

Greater White-fronted Goose at First Light...Howard County, Maryland

Pajama Party - Cancun Cantina

In a New York minute everything can change

Pajama Party - Cancun Cantina

red heart shaped

BaltiMore Sun(Set!) - IMRAN™ -- 5,500+ Views! Explored!

Foggy Morning at the Lake

Autumn in glorious color

Autumn falls

The Calm

babblin and rustlin

Off the Path, Part One of Two

Patapsco SP ~ Cascade Falls

Footbridge in the Snow

Angel Hair Water

and the sky touched the ground

Autumn Birches

New Year's Day Bird Count 2019

Field Sparrow on Mid-winter Bird Count

Its beginning to look a bit like autumn

My fence

Allen and Ash 1

Winter Cattails

Spring in Maryland.


My fence