From The Bandstand

catedral de Jerez (2)

Looking Up To The Cathedral

Gonzalez Byass

THIS WAS 2013_Highlight number 2

Bodega de Jerez

Church Across The Rooftops

Reflejo - Reflection

A Sunday in front of the church_Hasselblad

Torre de la Victoria - Victoria´s tower

Egyptian Locust (Anacridium aegyptium) IMG_0339

Stunning Ceiling at San Miguel

Cathedral. Front view.

Pigeon Post

The Fallen '36 - '39

Silver Finery

Empty Beach

New office's view

Beach Tilt

Takuma Sato (JPN) / Toro Rosso ( Jerez 17/09/08 ) Entrenamientos Fórmula 1

Life in the slow lane or Shoe siesta II

Of flowers and waves - waves of flowers...

La espiga dorada que quería perseguir al sol

Atardecer de oro

La cosecha

Colors of the day

Mar dorado - Carretera de Morabita - Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)

Setas 7

Double goal


Atardecer en Jerez de la Frontera

castillo de doña blanca

Camino a altocielo

Cannot wait the hours


Setas 2

Coto de caza

campiña jerezana

Amaneciendo en campos de cultivo


Secret peek

Laguna de Medina