Waiting for My Ship to Come In [Explore]

Hotel Room View

Seasonal Series of the Reflection on Argyle Pond - Spring View

Lindenhurst Bait & Tackle

At least I get a hell of a view before work. #independenceday

it came from beneath

Jones Beach Boardwalk

little red flag glare

Two Lovers

A view from Seaman's Neck Park

turf fish surf

Have a seat

Moses On Ice

dance me to the end of love

sand and sky

Captree's Fishtale

Sunrise Highway

Loggerhead Shrike

no longer adrift

I say there're no depressed words just depressed minds. -Bob Dylan

Jones Beach Boardwalk

Robert Moses Bridge

Bethpage Federal Credit Union Jones Beach Airshow #avgeek #nycaviation

Bethpage. Black. #2

Melting the fog

Captree Fishing Pier

Sunset11 (2)

Perfect day for the shore #Irene

Windy Day at Jones Beach

Captree 048

tuesday morning, golden

Captree 035

End of the line

Captree State Park

To The Bay (1 of 1)

In truth, the only restrictions on our capacity to astonish ourselves and each other are imposed by our own minds. David Blaine

#beach #newyork #park

Sunset BayBridge July 2014