Dryden Dairy Parade 2009

Fall at Sapsucker Woods Pond

solar power

Tree Line

Milky Way Full View

Fall at Sapsucker Woods Pond

Fall Impressions

Purple Sandpiper - Myers Point, Tompkins County, NY - 10/22/2014

Seed Basket

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

Fall impressions

Autumn Glory at Sapsucker Woods Pond

Kip's Barn

Fall Impressions

Flying South

Kip's Barn

Light along the Glen Gorge

A bench with a view.

Ludlowville Falls

Viewing Platform on a frosty but sunny spring morning.

Fall impressions

Filmore Glen

air for life

Filmore Glen State Park

Upper Fillmore Glen

Cold Sunset on Cayuga Lake

Flying South

Filmore Glen State Park. Cowsheds Falls

A misty morning on Sapsucker Woods pond

Fillmore Glen Gorge, Finger Lakes.

A cold day at the lab.

Ithaca in the Distance

Misty morning.

Cow Shed Falls

Mellow Yellow

Fillmore Glen

Upper Pinnacle Falls - Fillmore Glen

The gloaming

Fillmore Glen State Park, Finger Lakes.

The Lumberyard

Fillmore Glen Upper Falls