just another Fall day

Night Rain

Ice in Louisiana...

One of Those Black and White Mornings...

A Winter Coat

Eumorpha Fasciata (BlockHead!)

Bad Feelings...

Western Cottonmouth _Agkistrodon_piscivorus_leucostoma

The Perfectly Disguised 'Post Fish' Taking the Bait...

Magnolia Bridge

Swamp Sparrow

Amite River

River dune _DSC1138

greetings from Louisiana

All in a Fog

forgotten woods

That Winter Feeling....

Sunrise 11/10/13

moonset on Blackwater Road

one half-hour later...

one summer morning

home-made HDR

the golden hour

inside a cloud...

Fog on the Water

Sunrise on Greenwell Springs Rd_1

Icy Blue

Here Comes the Sun...

Louisiana Gumbo

overcast sunrise

sunset at Blackwater

Blackwater Conservation Area

Barn Yard