The beautiful view doing my walk today ...828

Rain dance

North Carolina Sunset

reach for the sky!

Not actually 3D

the opposite view

HDR Rainbow

Beaver Lake Mountain Sunset

The view from our bedroom in Asheville

Sunset Terrace

#yellow #gate#flowers...just beautiful view

Reflections at Beaver Lake

View from the back porch.

basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, NC

basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, NC

basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, NC

Biltmore Farmyard Goat (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

Early Morning


Palin Rally - Zombie protestor

Crumbs by sculptor Sarah Ray

morning rush hour, river district, warehouse, railroad tracks, Asheville, NC, Goerz Box Tengor, Arista.Edu 200, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, 11.5.18

Shades of Gray

sunset over the Blue Ridge Mountains

looking up, trees, ivy-covered trunks, Asheville, North Carolina, Leica C1, Rollei RXP 400, Kodak TMAX developer, 12.29.18

Rain in the Valley

split rail fence, old tree, overcast skiy, Asheville, North Carolina, Olympus XA, Arista.Edu 200, Moersch Eco Film Developer, late December 2017

looking down, channel into French Broad River, Emma Road, Asheville, North Carolina, Olympus XA4, Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, 10.24.18

kudzu covered landscape, dusk, Craggy Avenue, West Asheville, North Carolina, Zenobia, Rollei RXP 400, Kodak TMAX developer, 9.28.18

backyard benches, flowering shrub, lawn and tree, Asheville, North Carolina, Diana F+, Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, 5.7.18

neighborhood trees, near sunset, West Asheville, NC, Zenobia, Kodak TMAX 400, Kodak TMAX developer, end of September 2018

looking up, treetops, ivy-covered tree trunk, Asheville, North Carolina, Diana F+, Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, early May 2018

white stone steps, pathway, forest, West Asheville, NC, Zenobia, Kodak TMAX 400, Kodak TMAX developer, near dusk, Spruce Head, Maine, Exa (original version), Kodak TMAX 400, Kodak TMAX developer, end of September 2018

front yard embankment, ivy, sapling, near dusk, West Asheville, North Carolina, Diana F+, Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, 5.7.18

into the forest, tree forms, speckled light, Community Park at Craggy Park, West Asheville, North Carolina, FED 4, Arista.Edu 200, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, 6.3.18

Camera Roll-669

Sandy Bottom Trail Rides

lichen covered tree limbs, autumn, Craggy Avenue, Asheville, NC, Mamiya 645 Pro, mamiya sekor 45mm f-2.8, 11.2.18

Morning on Beaver Lake


Fall Forrest

Take the high road....