Radar Love

White Goose On A Foggy Morning

Reflctions On A Foggy Morning

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Great Blue in Flight

Showboat Drive-In

Tracks of Time

Look What I Made!

Sunset Trail

You Can't Fence the Light... HFF!!!

Jupiter & Moon After Sunset

A Queen

Muscovy Family

Blue Dasher

Amberwing in Flight

Texas Lone Star and Wagon

Amberwing on a Leaf

Saturday with Planet Jupiter & Moon

Rose Gentian

Tomball Sunrise

Tranquility Through Willow Window

Return of the American Pipit

Captive Eastern Screech-owl

Welcome Back little American Pipit


Farm Pond

I shot a Caracara

Divine Painter

Windmill & Wildflowers - HWW!!!

Pennant on a Blade

Texas Longhorn - Here's Looking at y'all!!!!


'today's forecast...bokeh-licious!'

2017 - Dec.10th - Old Bridge Kuyrendahl 01 (30)

Abandoned Farm in TX

Creating Ripples

Having Lunch

horses in a field

more longhorn cows