Cathedral view

Cathedral view #3

Cathedral view #2

Trees Can't Swim

Blue Morpho (2) Taken in side Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex Weblink Below

Blue Morpho (1) Taken in side Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex Weblink Below

Project Flickr, Week 16 ~ Framing

Chrysalis (1) Taken in side Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex Weblink Below

DSC_9248 Taken in side Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex Weblink Below

Tiger Longwing Taken at Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex

Mare Imbrium & NW Lunar craters

Project Flickr, Week 44 ~ Creepy/Eerie

Model Boats (26) 1st corner bunching 3 boats crash no 3,4 and no 16 and no 2 takes the leed

DSC_9413 Tapestry at the Rooms in Beauchamp Roding Essex

Car Crushing (18) Shot before is Below

Project Flickr, Week 44 ~ Creepy/Eerie

Taken in side Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex

Sunspot Groups AR2321, AR2324 and AR2325

Muddy Sunset

DSC_9199 Taken in side Tropical Wings South Woodham Ferrers Essex Weblink Below

Useing it as there mobility scooter to get round the show and the Lady was driving so he knows his place like the rest of us men

Byrhtnoth The Earldorman of Essex - Anglo Saxon Warrior

Maldon winter sunrise........

Northey Island & Causeway - National Trust in the East of England

Day # 130. Heaven sent

Sunset at Whetmead

096/365v2 St Boltolphs Church & Landscape Beauchamp Roding, Essex

Four Trees

#fields #trees #morningsun

As bad as the weather is everything still looks so cool from the sky!

Wickham Bishops

Taken @Memorial Park..

Down the duck pond.

Autumnus Fungi - Northey Island, Essex

Light & Shade

Setting Sun

Benton Hall

Just a Foggy Dream

Maldon - promanade - 10 March 2014