If you thought that was pink!!

You put your right leg in..........

Ruffled Blue

Palm Warbler

The Final Countdown (Monday PM)

The Final Countdown (Wednesday)

A view from the Marriott in Marco Island

American Alligator

a view from above.

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

go fly a kite.

helicopter view towards tigertail.

Florida Fighting Conch Shell (DTA_1507)

Landing strip, powered paragliding

The Final Countdown (Sunday PM)

Marco Island

Prairie Warbler

Perfect view...

Prairie Warber

A Night On The Gulf Coast

Ghost Crab Back View

The peace of Marco Islands. ©®

Sailing through the winter

Shells At Sunset, Marco Island Beach, Florida (FL) (DSE_0392-6)

Sunset Swim

Chasing Birds

Beach Sunset

Sunset over Capri Island

Nature is perfect..[EXPLORED]

Marco Island Sunset

beach front morning rainbow.

South Marco Beach, Marco Island, FL

South Marco Beach, Marco Island, FL

Marco Island Beach

Trez Palmz

Three Realms

marco island, fl

Blackwater River

Florida Prairie Warbler


Just One Request