Houston Weather Forecast

HIWI: The Construction

Fly me to the moon...

Memorial Hermann

Houston Racecourse

I 10 and Tx 99 Intersection

French Door View

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Beltway 8, Tx 249 & the Racecourse

Stanced IS250 AWD

365.255 The Vow

SDJHS Concession Full View 2

Pole Aerial Photography - PAP

night lights

darck corner

Guarding the Emporer's Tomb

CityWestPlace - Building 1 Lobby Entrance View

Citycenter Plaza on Beltway 8 & Interstate 10

Bear Creek Forest in IR

Stereoscope views of Texas yesteryear.

~ sunshine on a cloudy day ~

Bayou ran over its banks

Sts Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church at Dubina Panorama

I'll Be Fine

Overgrown and Forgotten

Above South Blvd No. 12 - Wallpaper Layout for Skanska


Barred Owl

my own personal sunset just for me

Sun Cycle

Memorial City Houston, TX 001

Memorial City Houston TX 20150920 003

Walking Tesuque Creek Trail

Memorial City Houston, TX 002

Titan Shifter

Memorial City Houston TX 20150920 002

Memorial City Houston TX 20150920 001

Sundown on the bayou

Halloween Pennat Female (Celithemis eponina)

Houston Skyline Over Eleanor Tinsley Park

Village Plaza at Bunker Hill