Amtrak 48 - Elkhart, IN

Condo with Mural in Goshen, IN

NS 3528 - 10/17/2014

Lake Shore Depot, Goshen, Indiana

The Strange Tree - Side View

The Barn (across the corner)

Four Seasons Layout

Middle of the Road

Side View

Winter Wonderland

The Valley Line Station, Bristol, Indiana


Lincoln Avenue looking east from the Courthouse Square, Goshen, Indiana, section 1

Rural Mail Carriers, Bristol, Indiana

Equinox Greenhouse in mist

Winona Interurban Railway Station, Goshen, Indiana

The Craggy Tree - Four Views

Lincoln Avenue looking east from the Courthouse Square, Goshen, Indiana, section 2

Lincoln Avenue looking east from the Courthouse Square, Goshen, Indiana


Summer Rock Garden

Tale of Two Rivers

Tableau Upriver

Evening Highlights

Strange Tree

Evening Tableau

Mirror Magic

Fall Reflections

#god @goshencollege

More Raking Light

That Log Again

Marcus's Place

April 5, 2010

Storage Bins

Shallow River

Growing Old Together

Brush Pile

Whetten Ditch

Fresh Growth

Wet Spot with Ice

Big Oak Tree

Pond shot