Bench with a view

Excell Road

You know you live at a high elevation, when hot air balloons go below your view!

Rain splashing in the gutter

Queen Anne Victorian

(Harris shutter effect) Biking past

Fall on Campus

Oak Drive traffic (Subtractive filter HSE)

Thursday Walk 499 (3 of 3)

Oak Drive traffic (Harris Shutter Effect)

view from colgate university

Pantha Rhei - panning along Oak drive


Thursday walk 498: Karate (Harris Shutter Effect)

Thursday walk 498: Karate (Subtractive Filter HSE)

2014 Haloween parade (3K x 5K view large)

Waterville Brick House

the improved airport

the airport

lake Moraine looking S.E.

Lake Moraine

Ploughed Field in Upstate New York

ASTR 312

Colgate University, Hamilton NY

Recently Logged Woods

Colgate University campus from the west

Cherry Hill Camping Area Road

Button Falls

Campsite 3

Heading Back

Cherry Ridge Truck Trail

Peering Down Into Beaver Creek Valley

Thursday Walk 511: A little flooding

Spiderweb 2

Pratts Hollow NY

Stream on Colgate campus

Chenango Canal

Desaturated Sky

Taylor Lake

What's on the other side?

Stream to the Pond