Texoma Sunset 2

Lake Texoma, Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

The Art of Disguise

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Lake Texoma, Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Ceadr Mills, Texas

Lake Texoma, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Lake Texoma

Lake Texoma, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

SS Evil: Docked: Full Portside View

Side view while docked

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

Cross Timbers Trail, Cedar Mills, Texas

"And we don't care about the young folks, Talking about the young style"

“She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.” ― Brian Andreas

The Day You Actually See....

Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

Sunset over Hagerman NWR

Texas Landscape


Vine and Ice

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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (<I>Papilio glaucus</I>), Meadow Pond Trail at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge near Denison, Texas

Sunset at Buncombe Creek

Peaceful Evening On Texoma

Northern Harrier Hawk


Twilight over Hagerman

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Just Cruisin'