Hamilton Night Lights

Devil's Punch Bowl Cross Overlooking the Hamilton arbor - standing tall against all odds.

Tiffany Top Slow-5347


Blue Dasher Dragonfly

Tiffany Falls

clematis - end stage e3-sq

Albion Falls, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

End of Week, End of Season

Albion Falls

...reminds me...

Field Sparrow with dinner

Brant Street Pier in the night, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

...Upper Paradise...

Sherman Falls, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Cathedral Front Full-5428

Still Point, Holding Space by Samantha Dickie, Art Gallery of Burlington, Burlington, ON

Steel Town

Grindstone Marshes

Beachway Park, Burlington, ON

GO to Bey-view

foggy morning

Autumn Tew's Falls

Lower Albion Falls

Bruce Trail ~ Webster's Falls ~ Spencer Gorge ~ Winter Scene

Cloudy Sunrise

enchanted forest

Webster Falls Park, Hamilton (Explored on March 23, 2013)

Sherman Falls

The Bite of the Cold

Tiffany Falls

The Spirit of the Weather

One April Morning at Webster's

Spencer Gorge in True Colours

Little Canterbury

Webster's Falls

Canterbury in Yellow

Bruce Trail ~ Webster's Falls ~ Spencer Gorge ~ Winter Scene

Summer Cliffview

all quiet

Albion Falls Fog

Colourful Sunrise