Thorington School House (Gold Key)

The Princess Blue Jay Story-Part II

In the Studio (2)

Screen Head

Timbale Player - Explored

Stonewall Pumpkin Festival - EXPLORED! on Front Page

Hot Date!

Caching Peanuts - Scroll down ↓ to view more photos in this series:

Blue Jay - Scroll down ↓ to view more photos in this series:

I Better Get A Drink Before . . . ~ Scroll down ↓ to view more:

Construction Everywhere

Suet Lovers

Stars and Stripes

Black-Capped Chickadee and More:

Grass, with lake and sky

Teh Clemzorz

Under the Street Lamp

Snowy White

Summer Time Abandonment

Waxing Crescent Moon

Front view of Thorington school

April Pond

Fall into the Fairway

House Finch

Apple plantation

Power Lines - Split Tone

Hot and cold

Bienvenue aux USA

Mae Stecker Park

Stoney Creek Metro Park, Michigan, 11-28-14

Sunset, Nov 1st, S.E. Michigan

Dramatis Nebulae

the call

Upper Lake at Stony Creek

Red-breasted Nuthatch


Late summer meadow

Beauty on the Balcony ~

Kettle pond

Stony Creek

Exposure Detroit October 2008 Safari

Waiting for spring