Split Road [L&D 8/10]

The Paul Laxalt Building

Panorama : the Carson Valley View from the Kingbury Grade Road (207)

Southwestern Carson Valley Mountains

Evening Vista from Minden, NV

A View of the Milky Way


Carson Valley, Nevada

Split Fence [L&D 9/10]


Areal view

Day 184/365 - The Nugget

Lake Tahoe from the top of Genoa Peak

View from the Marriott Courtyard

Nevada State Capital Building - h2

Nevada, Minden, Buick / Chervolet, C.O.D. Garage (7,606)

Restored McKeen Motor Car: Nevada State Railroad Museum

Statue of Sarah Winnemucca, Interior of Nevada State Capitol, Carson City, Nevada

The Pioneer Motel

Kingsbury Grade - Carson Valley

The Frontier Motel

Carson River

Yosemite National Park

Spooner Lake

mass bloom of Carson Valley monkeyflower, Erythranthe carsonensis

Road to Kingsbury Grade

looking back

Kingsbury Grade Road (Nevada State Rte. 207): Through the mountains from South Lake Tahoe to Carson Valley

Carson Underwater

Genoa Peak First Light (Carson Range)

Clouds ahoy!

Carson Valley Panorama

Carson Valley, Nevada

star lily, Leucocrinum montanum

U.S. Highway 395, Gardnerville, NV - h

Indian tea, Ephedra viridis, flowering male plant in landscape

and time won't move at all.

Prison Hill trail , Carson City